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2021 Buffalo ST Championships Logo_edite

Heartland Racing Series Event #1

Saturday & Sunday - October 16 - 17, 2021

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US Speedskating sanctioned ability meet held on an Olympic size rink.

Covid-19 Statement:

Working with the Northtown Center, and following state, local, CDC, and USS guidelines, we will take every reasonable precaution, and make any procedural changes we feel necessary to conduct a safe, competitive, and fun meet. Event participants will be notified if the stated protocols change.

Click here for the current COVID protocols. 

Event Day Information
& Race Participants


is Closed

Short Track Speed Skating Live

Program Information / Heat Assignments / Race Results


Live Mode Automatically Updates Every 3 Minutes


Follow Along On Any Internet Enabled Device

Meet Program



Check-in - Friday, October,15th -  5:30pm - 8:30pm

The Northtown Center (downstairs lobby outside of the Olympic rink),. If you are unavoidably delayed and unable to check-in, you must text (716) 359-7653 by 8:30pm and arrange to pick up your registration packet on Saturday between 6:30am and 7:00am.

Skaters must bring their skates to the check-in. Referees will be checking blade tips for compliance. Click here for a PDF compliance guide.

Practice Ice - 7:00pm - 9;00pm Friday evening - October, 15th


Racing - Saturday, October,16th - Warm-ups start at 7:00am, Racing from 8:30am to approximately 4:00pm

Sunday, October 17th Warm-ups start at 7:00am, Racing from 8:30am to approximately 1:30pm. Awards ceremony immediately following the conclusion of racing.



This is an Ability Meet. Skaters will be grouped according to their seed time, with consideration being given to the age of skaters in each group. With the exception of Heartland, divisions may be mixed gender.

In the spirit of fairness and sportsmanship, due to the early nature of our meet, and the lack of racing during the 20/21 season, we will be doing the following:

1) Allowing qualifying and seed times from a club practice race or time trial. The practice time must be certified by a USS or SSC coach.

2) After registration, skaters will be allowed to submit updated times achieved in September. The submission deadline will be October 1st.

Updated time submission - To submit an updated time in September, please have the skater's coach email Henry Withers at: They will be provided with a link to the submission form.

Heartland Open - skaters ages 12 and older as of 7/1/21 who meet the qualifying time standard of 1:48.0 for men and 1:58.0 for women in the 1000 meters. The time standard may be from a sanctioned short track meet, from July 1, 2019 on, or, if a skater did not race during the 20/21 season, they can enter a 1000m time from a club practice race or time trial. The practice time must be certified by a USS or SSC coach. New this year, there will be two groups, Heartland A and Heartland B. The two groups will be roughly split 50/50 based on times.

Ability - Skaters younger than 12 years old will compete in the Ability Division. Skaters ages 12 and older who do not meet the Heartland qualifying time standard will also compete in the Ability Division. Consideration will be given to the age of skaters in each group. All skaters 10 and under will skate on an 85M track.

Novice  - This division is for skaters in their first year and new to racing, Due to COVID, and the lack of racing last season, the Novice division has been expanded to include second year skaters.



Divisions/Groups    Tentative Events (not run in order)


Heartland ---------------- 500M / 777M / 1000M / Super 1500M



Niagara ——————  500M / 777M / 1000M / Super 1500M

Bills ———————— 500M / 777M / 1000M / Super 1500M

Sabres ——————– 333M / 500M / 777M / Super 1000M

Bisons ——————–- 333M / 500M / 777M / Super 1000M

Wings ——————— 333M / 500M / 777M / Super 1000M


Southtowns - 10 & Under 85M Track

2 lap / 3 Lap / 4 Lap / Super 7 Lap

Northtowns - 10 & Under 85M Track

1 lap / 2 Lap / 3 Lap / Super 4.5 Lap



Bulls 11 & over 111M Track

111M  / 222M / 333M / Super 500M

Bandits 10 & under 85M Track

1 lap / 2 Lap / 3 Lap / Super 4.5 Lap

Blizzards 10 & under 85M Track

1 lap / 2 Lap / 3 Lap / Super 4.5 Lap


BSC President - Doug Lippa
BSC Competition Chair - Kim Lipa
Meet Co-Director - Henry Withers
Meet Co-Director - Alan Jay


For additional information contact:

Henry Withers -

Phone - 315-440-6764

Alan Jay -

Phone: - 716-553-7661



October, 2021

October, 2021

Play Video


The format of the Meet is a two round progression, one Heat and a final. The number of finals are based on the number of skaters in the Heats. First place of each Heat goes to the A final, then seeded by times.

The Super Events are based on overall points. All athletes will skate in a Super, (A, B, C...)  for their longest distance.



Heartland Racing Series Event #1

We are proud to be part of the Heartland Racing Series.

A season-long circuit of short track speed skating open class races to develop passion and skills for racing. Click here for additional information on the series.


The Heartland Challenge Cup.

Skaters racing in the HRS will represent either the
North East Short Track Series (NEST) or Heartland (HRS). The challenge will take place in Buffalo. The Challenge Cup will go to the team with the most points from the meet. All clubs east of Buffalo will be on one team, all clubs west of Buffalo will be on the other.


Sponsorship Opportunities

Be part of the fastest event

on ice in Buffalo!

Contact :

Kim Lipa

Competition Chair



Carol Putman

Fundraising Chair


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To our sponsors, thank you for your support!

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Lake Placid 2022.png

Partner Hotels

Hampton Inn Buffalo - Amherst

1601 Amherst Manor Dr.

Amherst, New York 14221

Group Rate - $129 per night

Last date to make a reservation - October, 1st

Distance to the rink - Located onsite at the Northtown Center,

4 minute walk to the rink.

Book your group rate


Buffalo Marriott Niagara

1340 Millersport Highway

Amherst, New York 14221

Group Rate - $109 per night

Last date to make a reservation - October, 1st

Distance to the rink - 1 mile

Book your group rate


2020 Meet Information

Unfortunately due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were not able to hold the scheduled October 2020 meet. We greatly missed hosting the expected 150 American and Canadian athletes, along with their coaches, families, and supporters.

We look forward the anticipated 2021-22 racing season and to once again kicking it off with one of the first meets of the season.

Past Year's Meets

2014 through 2019 - Photos, results and more.

Check it out!


The Northtown Center at Amherst


1615 Amherst Manor Drive

Williamsville, NY 14221




© 2019 Buffalo Speedskating Club, Inc. - 501(c)(3) Not For Profit Organization

The BSC provides the opportunity to discover the sport of speedskating through instruction, dedicated ice sessions, and the use of skates and safety equipment, All BSC board members and coaches are volunteers.100% of fees, dues, and sponsorship dollars goes to supporting our program costs.  

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