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Beatrice Noble Memorial Speedskating Scholarship

Recognizing young speed skaters living with

a chronic medical condition

2019 Scholarship Recipients

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Jay Choi


DOB - 07/22/2000


Club - Potomac Speedskating Club


Residence - Oakton, Virginia, US


Chronic Medical Conditions - Congenital Heart Defect / Intellectual Development Disorder

Jay has been speedskating since he was 11 years old. While Jay started speedskating because of his fascination with the “cool” equipment, speedskating became the foundation for, and defined, the person he is today both physically and mentally. As a member of the Potomac Speedskating club, Jay has competed in wide-range of competitions throughout the years and is currently training for the 2021 Special Olympics Winter Games where he hopes to compete for Team USA in speedskating.


Jay was born with congenital heart defects including atrial septal defect (ASD), ventricular septal defect (VSD), coarctation of the aorta (CoA), and aortic valve insufficiency (AVI)) and has intellectual development disorder. Despite numerous complex surgeries and prolonged hospitalizations to-date as well as anticipated future surgeries, Jay refuses to let his medical conditions define his life. Jay’s philosophy is that people with chronic medical issues can be athletic and compete at high-level despite their limitations. Jay hopes to become a role model for those facing similar challenges. Jay credits speedskating in allowing him to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, while helping to develop focus, along with prioritization and judgement skills. Based on his athletic and mental development through speedskating activities, Jay’s interests have also branched out to include other sports such as tennis and basketball. In 2018, Jay was invited to compete in the 2018 Special Olympics World Tennis Invitational in the Dominican Republican along with 300 athletes around the world. Jay is also a part of the Special Olympics basketball team that won the 2019 State Championship for their Division. Jay’s message to others are “don’t get discouraged by health issues. Instead, stay active and get involved in sports.”


For information on Congenital Heart Defects, please go to the American Heart Association’s website.

For information on Intellectual Development Disorder, please go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website.

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Carter Moar


DOB - 09/04/2011


Club - Dartmouth Crossing Speed Skating Club


Residence - Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, CA

Chronic Medical Condition - Hearing Loss

Carter is an active 7-year old and has been skating with the Dartmouth Crossing Speed skating club for two seasons. When Carter began, he could barely skate, but in a few short months was joining in club mini-meets and then full competitions.

Carter loves training with his teammates and coaches, and really started focusing on the technical aspects of skating this year. In two seasons, Carter has participated in five tournaments and eight mini-meets with his club. Carter’s skill level and times seem to improve with each practice, and he is looking forward to skating twice as much next season.


Carter has moderate to severe genetic hearing loss which requires him to wear hearing aids in both ear. Even with hearing aids however, it will always be a challenge for Carter to adequately hear what is going on around him. Loud spaces and activities, like arenas and sporting events, adds to this difficulty, as does wearing a helmet and being far away from his coach or trainer. It is common for people with hearing loss to shy away from sports and social situations for these reasons, and this was beginning to happen with Carter. Happily, since Carter started speed skating, he has become more confident and focused, and he has integrated well with his fellow skaters. Speed skating days are Carter’s favorite days of the week, and he has made many friends at his club, and at tournaments. 


The Beatrice Noble Memorial Speedskating Scholarship will be used to purchase a microphone system that Carter's coach can wear that will transmit directly into Carter’s hearing aids. This will allow Carter to hear instructions clearly even from across the ice. The scholarship will also help fund additional ice time next season as well as new equipment. Carter is so grateful that this scholarship can help him and the other recipients pursue a sport they love.


For information on hearing loss please go to the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association’s website.

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Emily Derome


DOB - 11/12/2001


Clubs - Autre (veuillez nous indiquer le nom de votre club)

Centre Régional Canadien d'entraînement

Club de Patinage de Vitesse Longueuil


Residence / Résidence - Saint-Lambert, Québec, CA

Chronic Medical Condition - Post concussional migraine syndrome with cerviogenic headaches

Condition médicale chronique - Syndrome de migraine post-commotion cérébrale avec céphalées cerviogéniques

Emily started speed skating when she was 9 years old after watching the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. She now skates at the CRCE (Centre Régional Canadien d’Entraînement), training 3-4 hours a day, 6 days a week. Emily likes the strategy, the technique and the speed related to short track.

In 2015, Emily had a fall resulting in a concussion during the Canadian East Championships. As a result, Emily suffers from severe migraines which she experiences all day, everyday. The often debilitating chronic pain has resulted in Emily missing many days of school and skating practices. When her headaches are at their worst, Emily is unable to get out of bed. Emily says that although speed skating is the cause of her injury, skating is still one of the only moments that she gets to forget about her headaches. Followed by a neurologist, Emily has tried many types of medications to help manage her symptoms. To date, the most successful treatment has been small doses of Botox injections.

Emily wishes to thank her neurologist and all those involved in her care for continually seeking out new and more effective treatments. Emily notes that migraines are the 6th most disabling illness in the world and that there is often no cure.


For information on Concussions please go to the Brian Injury Canada website
For information on Migraines please go to the Migraine Canada website



Emily a commencé le patinage de vitesse à l'âge de 9 ans après avoir regardé les Jeux Olympiques de Vancouver en 2010. Elle patine maintenant au CRCE (Centre Régional Canadien d’Entraînement), s’entraînant de 3-4 heures par jour, 6 jours par semaine. Emily aime la stratégie, la technique et la rapidité liées au patinage de vitesse courte piste.


En 2015, lors des championnats canadiens de l’est, Emily a chuté, ce qui a entraîné une commotion cérébrale. Depuis, Emily souffre de migraines sévères qu'elle subit toute la journée, tous les jours. La douleur chronique, souvent débilitante, a amené Emily à rater plusieurs jours d'école et plusieurs pratiques de patin. Quand ses maux de tête sont au pire, Emily est incapable de se lever du lit. Emily dit que bien que le patinage de vitesse soit la cause de sa blessure, le patinage est toujours l'un des seuls moments où elle peut oublier la douleur. Suivi par une neurologue, Emily a essayé plusieurs types de médicaments pour l’aider à gérer ses symptômes. À ce jour, le traitement le plus efficace a été de petites doses d'injections de Botox.


Emily souhaite remercier sa neurologue et toutes les personnes impliquées dans la recherche constante de nouveaux traitements plus efficaces. Emily note que les migraines sont la 6ème maladie la plus invalidante au monde et qu’il n’y a souvent aucun traitement curatif.


Pour plus d'informations sur les commotions cérébrales, veuillez consulter le site Web de Brian Injury Canada.

Pour plus d'informations sur les migraines, veuillez consulter le site Web de Migraine Canada.


A note from Scholarship Administrator - Alan Jay

On behalf of the Board and membership of the BSC I would like to thank our selection committee for choosing our three 2019 recipients. I know that all of the applicants were deserving of selection, and that the committee's decision was not an easy one.

Ruth Woroch, DNP, FNP-BC - Ruth has been a board certified family nurse practitioner for 24 years, she practices in an integrated health center in Chicago, Illinois.  In addition, Ruth is a clinical assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago in the College of Nursing.  Ruth skates with the Park Rridge speedskating club.


Doug Lippa -  Doug has been active in the Speedskating community for over 13 years. Doug currently serves as the president of the Buffalo Speedskating Club, and as the meet director for the Buffalo Short Track Championships. In addition Doug enjoys announcing short track meets and has done so for a number of speedskating clubs. Along with his son Sean, Doug skates with the Buffalo Speedskating Club.


Leo Zan - Leo is a member and past president of the Toronto Speed Skating Club.  Leo, his wife Jean, and their 2 sons,  Marco and Paul, have been skating and racing with the Toronto club since 2010.  Leo enjoys and has regularly competed in races as a Master skater throughout Ontario in both short and long track speed skating for the past 10 years.


© 2019 Buffalo Speedskating Club, Inc. - 501(c)(3) Not For Profit Organization

The BSC provides the opportunity to discover the sport of speedskating through instruction, dedicated ice sessions, and the use of skates and safety equipment, All BSC board members and coaches are volunteers.100% of fees, dues, and sponsorship dollars goes to supporting our program costs.  

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